Sunday, January 6, 2008

A New Year

Well, its been a week into the new year. It is this very week which determines whether a 'new year resolution' works for the person. If it still works tomorrow, then probably it'll work for the rest of the year. If not, then try another resolution.

My resolutions seems to be increasing yearly. Because some will be the same as past years like losing weight. It sounds embarassing but that's the truth!

Goal for 2008:
To get into Consumer Science and Technology. Well, if I can't get in, maybe I'll stay put.
Do my best for my current modules.
To get my hands on Yamaha's DGX-620 and learn to play Forbidden Love, The Secret and 'Jay Chou's Duet Piece'.
Buy my favourite books. Guess what, my wish list are topped with many books! Seems nerdy ya? I just can't help appreciate the interesting knowledge that books bring to people.

What I have mostly at long term goals; goals that rest not for a year but for the many there is to come.

Long-term goals:
Be a better man. I know it sounds cliche but what else do you call it that's not cliche? Be a nice guy?

Be a good friend. It's almost like the 1st goal but more specific. I'm not saying I'm not a good friend all these while, but I can certainly be better, especially to some of my friends before I lose them.

Know Thyself. What is more important than ownself? Certainly self-awareness is the key to success!

Not being a perfectionist. It's quite tough, but putting effort into it.

Be a good leader. Specifically for my Red Cross Unit. This year onwards, my senior will be stepping down and that makes me a senior, with two new junior instructor and one whole unit to take care of. I do have grear plans for it. Well, as the saying goes, "Words shows one's wit, and Action shows one Intention." Saying is easy, but to get things done isn't.

Be an efficient communicator/speaker. That's one big problem I have; disorganised thoughts and speeches. I suspect having schizophrenia. And I aim to be an "Accredited Competent Toastmaster". That's what they called it in Toastmasters when you have attained a certain standard.

Learn to play piano- the proper way. Well, I need $$$ for lessons!

Improve my english. I want to be an author someday, writing my own books. Be it fictional, self-help, inspirational, spiritual, scientific, biography. All of those!

Be a movie-maker. How wonderful it'll be if I can bring my books alive! You don't see J.K. Rowling as a director ya? It seems too far-fetched, but anything is possible!

Be discipline. This is one big trump card. If I'm very disciplined, I won't be who I am today, seriously.

Be consistent with The Four Agreements. Speak impeccably. Don't take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always do your best. It may sound easy, but it isn't!

Save money. I didn't save much this year.

Be fit and in shape. Nothing surprising...

Be alive. I'm known as a rationalizer/complicater to my life coach. Having to think too much and spend no time getting back to reality and start living.

Journey on my spiritual path. Its up and going. Being able to start at this age is a privilege.

Helping my friends to embark on their spiritual path. This is difficult! Well, I guess I can't handle it now, and probably will have to wait a few more years.

Cut down on the number of bad days. Some days of the year must be bad, I would like to cope with it better, and to minimise its occurance. Thinking back the number of suicidal days...

Learn to say 'No'. Well, I'd always been a 'yes-man'.

Relationships. Well, after a recent attempt, I've pretty much get it out of the system. But then its like deleting the icon you see on the desktop, but the actual program is still there. I'm really a libra, who fell in love with love. Sounds cool ya? I just hope that I won't screw myself up this time round.

Learn to roller-skate. Sound so random! But I always like the idea of blading to school or wherever I go!

To travel overseas with my friends. Just thinking of it makes me excited! If it's with guy friends, I'd like to go Miami, or Las Vegas, or Tokyo. If it's with my future girlfriend then I'd like to go to Paris, Kyoto, Seattle, England, Hong Kong, Genting Highlands. There's some attactions which I want to go someday like Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota, Niagara Falls in New York, Grand Canyon in Arizona and some others which I can't think of.

I'm too tired to think of any at the moment. That's it for now. Have a great week ahead!