Wednesday, September 19, 2007

'We Want To Live' Diet

Let food be your medicine, let medicine be your food. Indeed.
I'm inspired by this man, Aajonus Vonderplanitz, who formulated the Primal Diet. A former cancer patient who was pardoned from death by eating food which supplies the most bioactive nutrients.
I created my own medicine, healing and replenishing my body with food which has the essential nutrients it craves. With that, I created the 'We Want To Live' Meal. It is a 3-course meal which is best taken together.
1. We Want To Live Smoothee
2. Cit-lery Juice
3. Eggs Galore

The ingredients are shown below:
Celery, Lemon, Avocado, Eggs, Unheated Raw Honey and Raw Coconut Butter

And the Equipments needed:
Blender and Juicer
First off, we'll prepare the 'We want to Live' Smoothee
Shown below is a 'Made in USA' Raw Organic Coconut Butter. Fat and oily!!!!!
Raw, Unheated Honey from Frankfurt, Germany
We shall first, cut the avocados. Make sure you pick a ripe one, or else you'll have a hard time cut it.
Position the knife at the middle point of the avocado, cut right through it and pull out the seed.
Cut it into smaller pieces for blending convenience.

Next, we shall add two tablespoon of raw coconut butter.
Followed by one tablespoon of raw unheated honey.
Add around 5-7 ice cubes and add water till it reaches slightly more than half of the blender. We'll move on the prepare Cit-lery Juice. 'Cit' simply means citrus, and it refers to lemon. Another alternative is lime. But I prefer lemon though. Cut it in such a way that it fits into your juicer.
That's 5 lemons in a serving!

Lastly, we have to cut the celery. Cut away the bottom and the leafy area as we only need the stem, so to speak. Be sure you wash it first.
That's 'raw'' Cit-lery Juice
Blend the smothee for at least 1 min. You may like to stop it after every a few seconds to shake it, and then continue to blend.
Juice the celery,
and then the lemon.

There you go! On the left is Cit-lery served with ice cubes and beside it is 'We Want To Live' Smoothee.
Clean and Green.
Last but definitely not the least, comes the 'Egg-Gulping Time'. One thing to take note is that it must be Kampong Chicken Eggs. As it is much more tastier and smells nicer than other types of commercial eggs.
Break one egg at a time into a cup, take a deep breath, and gulp it down your throat. One egg at a time,
until one tray of it is empty.
That's it! We've completed one 'We Want To Live' Meal!
Quick and Easy, Results Assured!
This is Iron Chef Wei Ren, until next time, have a green and eggy day.