He is known as, Master Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth Ray. He embodies the qualities of healing and wholeness, music and science, and one-pointed vision (the action of the third-eye); whose previous incarnations on this planet are as Apostle Paul and Saint Hilarion. Channeled by Mr. Jon C Fox, an electronics engineer living in the United States; for those interested, please visit http://hilarion.com/
Hilarion: Yes, greetings, yes. This is the energy, being or vibration you called Hilarion. A moment please while we make deeper contact. Yes, greetings Jill, yes. We ask you to welcome the idea, of an emerald light cylinder, anyone who will be hearing this or even thinking about; some of the words we are just speak. Imagine this cylinder, is about 10m in diameter, as it moves from internally upwards to you to centre of Earth, for purposes of protection and connection. Very good, please begin.
Jill: We are gathered here in Nevada City, California; on September 23, 2007, to do a remote reading for Ong Wei Ren, in Singapore. His name at birth was Ong Wei Ren. He was born October 22, 1990 at ****pm in Singapore.
Hilarion: Yes, we have the contact. Yes, please continue.
Jill: Ok. I’m going to read this as though, it’s Ong speaking.
I feel I have severe problems in sustaining, continuing and deepening relationships of all kinds with others (e.g. family, affairs-of-the-heart, platonic friends, etc), and feel deeply unsatisfied with myself and in my inability to work with relationships. Many of my current relationships/friendships feel superficial and unsatisfying to me. Can Hilarion please comment and advice on this?
Hilarion: Relationships are always based upon one’s relationship with oneself. Initially, this is to set the ground work for one’s relationship with God. Because the separation aspect is essentially illusion, the idea of creating that separation in your consciousness, is to learn, to grow, to give the opportunity to work with others, as a reminder of yourself. This is one aspect of the law of reflection, which simply stated is: as above so below, as within so without.
There are those who focus on these extensively, helping individual as they work through various problems to understand and unravel the nature of each reflection. One such individual is Byron Katie. To use her method, to learn it, read her books may be helpful but contacting others and there are many all over the world using her methods, especially in a group, until you have them deeply built into your own character, would be very helpful.
The idea on this is simply, that you then began to glimpse, that in every relationship that has some difficulty, one aspect in yourself, needs to be changed. You will notice, in relationships or individuals that have been together for many years. Typically the minimum number on this observation is three years, though frequently one goes into seven years or longer before this fact becomes well known. And that is the way in which they tend to sandpaper each other, bringing their own issues into consciousness, helping them to understand, to way that they eventually can evolve.
Your own evolutionary duo awaits you. There are many beings that you corresponded with, have different aspect of relationship with, before you came into this world. And in this last intermissive, you had opportunity to contact several of them as potential evolutionary duos. Notice we do not say mate. We are not talking about parenting here or chemistry, or any of the other personal love terms. This has to do with your personal evolution.
In your more recent past life, you had been through some very turbulent, difficult time. In everyone of these, though there was much karma accumulated, though there was much difficulty, you came through it with sufficient understanding to recognise that, in each subsequently lifetime, if you gave yourself enough information, enough opportunity, enough possibility, you could make the changes necessary within your soul. Not only for a happy life, but for the one which met the levels of satisfaction and acceptance that you held as your own personal… you can say bar. Your own personal set of standards. But in each success of lifetime, because you were unable to come up to that standard, you set the bar a bit higher. So in this life, you will find this across almost everything you do.
That in certain areas of spiritual understandings, of awakening of consciousness, reminders, it would be easier perhaps than the other areas, for instance, happening onto our energy at such an early age. Working with this individual (name censored), his mentor, (name censored), others you will meet in your life. This is not by accident. You set this up ahead of time, as to give yourself as many hints and possibilities as possible.
The reason for this is, that in each of these success of lifetime where that were difficulties, you saw that the greatest progress that you had made, was when you have others reminding you, giving you help. You had to always learn to own the help. This is not the realm of the apprentice. Not the energy where you do as they do. But one where you make it your own, in relationship, this also then holds. That you learn these aspects you study, you understand the nature of relationships. There are many useful, interesting tools, to understand, but you make them your own. You choose them, you hold them.
Of course, at this age, rebelliousness can be difficult. When someone else lays out particularly for you; how something could be; or what should happen; or in the worse situation, what they demand you do. Many aspects of resistance may show up for you. This can be helpful if you understand the law of reflection; that these energies are there to help you learn, and grow within yourself. These are not to say, you are to do the opposite of what is shown to you, or do the same of what they shown to you. But to set aside such an aspect of what naturally comes from rebelliousness and instead, simply evaluate it entirely on its own. This will become less and less of a problem, as you grow older, and as each of these aspects that you truly deeply own, that you have allowed as resonance in yourself, will be very helpful.
There are languages of love. Ways in which people express their ability to love. This is an excellent area for you to study; how do people express this; how to they work with such energy, and in fact, a book by the same title is useful and would certainly be recommended. Also would be the works of Havel Hendricks; particularly his book, ‘Getting the love you want’. This is very powerful in showing you the way in which the reflected aspect in relationship shows up through the archetype of your parents and the parents of the person you are in relationship with. This often shows up unconsciously, but make itself manifests into a relationship eventually. This is done sooner in a relationship (i.e. the first date), for instance.
This can go a long way towards improving your understanding and acceptance, not success in relationship in the sense that, the relationship continues. That is important, and certainly that will occur and that is not the purpose of relationship. Rather, that you evolve, that you grow, and that you learn from the experience. In other words, the aspect of the law of reflection is known to you, by your own personal ownership, you are accepting and recognising it.
The Universal laws are those which are coming into play here, and work with all beings in all contacts. Resist them or rebel against them all you want, and still they hold, still those energies manifests, still they work with you. So it makes sense then to learn them, to understand them, to break them down, to study them, in particular, when it comes to relationship, the law of reflection. Now this is but the beginning point.
You have many talents and capabilities that you have not put into action for many lifetimes. You will have many of these becoming ‘online’, becoming available to you as you get older. Bit by bit, year by year, a little more a little more, but in direct relationship to this, will be how much of this you bring into action in the world. In the way which you feel good about it, in which you feel morally, ethically, appropriate to you. That is the judgement that others make: This is the right way to be; this is legal; this is lawful; this is a loving or helpful ethical way they would say. You know better.
Deep in your heart, you have a high cosmoethical standard. To be able to bring this forth, and your actions, what you say, how you feel, what you do in the world, reflect that standard, understand it and work with it, will be tremendously helpful at bringing each of these talents and capabilities into your consciousness, into your life and into ways in which you could use them and learn from them. Does this answer the question?
Jill: Yes, thank you.
Can Hilarion please describe and advise on the main objectives, issues or lessons to be learnt for this lifetime as planned for in my existential program?
Hilarion: There are some limits to this, because we cannot a breach your karma and part of your journey of discovery, will be awakening and learning about some of these things. But as we have mentioned, the aspects karmically that cross you that make it hard to make progress forward, are ways in which, self-judgement; stopping yourself; self-sabotage, and other aspects have shown up for you and will continue to show up. Part of this is, in way and which, you will be balancing past karma. Ways in which you have usually accidentally, usually without intent or deliberation, harm others or created energies that you judged were energies that were going to slow down someone’s spiritual progress or things you felt guilty about, or things you know you shouldn’t have done or whatever. Other people looking at this might not say the same thing. They might have said in fact, you did the best you could, or that the actions had a great deal of love behind them, if they were impulsive. Still, they were not that whichever you deliberately set out to harm. Still though, in way and which this was accumulated in your soul; you decided that into coming to this life, you would map out two simultaneous parallel courses of action, in order to clear this from your own consciousness.
One of these was to build on your strength; the energy of truth-seeking; of spirituality, of the awakening of aspects of consciousness; in drawing your own energy to the realms of working with helpers, guides, higher vibrational beings, unseen, as well as a simple and easy attraction to individuals who can teach, who can help you, who can show you, who had a deeper understanding. There will of course, be a small, quiet voice inside, when such individuals, do not have the highest degree of integrity, as if somewhere inside, you will know that, and will be then urged, to turn away from them, that you find your own higher spiritual wisdom where possible.
This path is the higher path; the more useful path and ultimately the faster path in increasing your evolution and balancing karma. The reason for this is that, inevitably, many spiritual lessons come forth; through different voices, different languages, different takes; you can say reality, but those same energy are showing up now all over the world.
One of these is the idea that, through love, through forgiveness, through the deeper understanding, through the whole aspects of instantaneous or superconductive as oppose to resistive or slower processes, you can allow perfect, complete karmic healing. This is a difficult path to understand, logically. It is one, however, that is communicated with love. With the sense of presence, with the sense of beingness; and so of course, that is the first way in which you would continue to awaken spiritually; that you bring in that sense on a regular basis.
We suggest the simple meditation of Eckhart Tolle, in his book ‘The Power of Now’, that are described, but more important, to listen to his voice. You had opportunity to learn from this individual, on the other side, and he may be of some assistance in talking and sharing energy, not so much even the words, but the sort of vibratory energy that is felt around him, or by his words; as if they are resonating something in you much deeper than the words themselves.
The other path that will begin to show up for you more and more; as an individual, you’d difficulty with crosses your paths. As working with somebody else in any capacity in the world, they demand something of you or some issues shows up, or something must be balanced between you, or some aspects in which you sacrificed; you do something that is harmful to you, you do things in some way lower your energy or make you work harder or whatever, and somehow this helps the other person.
This is the more traditional pattern of karmic balancing. The most difficult of this of course, which many people come to is in relationships. Will this sort of relationship where marriage and eventual divorce results. Your guides, helpers, the energy of many spiritual levels and many other aspects do everything they can to prevent this; remind you in every way possible, that you do not have to go down such a path.
Still though, you must recognise that when there is that sense of chemistry, a deep love, a great attraction; though this may be useful and may be valuable but will often be karma. You are not in love, you are in karma; are important words to remember when they shows up.
In the meantime, recognise that every chance there is, for balancing karma; you use the Law of Reflection, you learn what is needed in that situation, you utilise Byron Katie’s technique if that can be applied in any ways. And, more importantly you ask; your own Higher Self, in your meditations, in your place of emptiness and presence using the Eckhart Tolle’s method; whatever technique get you to that place, you ask, not just about the lesson or the understanding; but you look more consciously and deeply at the karma; how might this karma be instantaneously balance; how am I to find a deep sense of love.
When you find that love for the other person; a sense of forgiveness perhaps and awareness of various energy, you’ll also find it for yourself, and that is more important. That there is this sense that you’re forgiven, that you’re well-loved, that it is somehow acceptable, or whatever it is that has occurred. As you work with this sort of energy which you’ll begin to recognise more and more, is that it tend to fall into a pattern.
Eventually, as part of the relationship, in way and which, there is no karmic debt engendered, and no karmic debt paid; you are given an opportunity to serve. It is not serving out of sacrifice; it might be for instance the sharing of your insight, your wisdom, and your love; some way in which some deeper intuition shows up; some way in which you can share with somebody else something personal about your life. You don’t think it’ll be helpful to them, because it’s a personal reflection on your own life, but still though, that personal reflection as it had meaning, might be valuable.
Now of course along the way as you open to various levels of spirituality; in various ways to blend these two paths; you’ll find that over and over, there are little hints.
To awaken those hints, to understand what the guides are bringing to you; to see this will require two important facets. Number 1: The raising of energy. Number 2: Greater sensitivity. Thus, the sensitivity is increase, by regular meditation. By times of opening and receiving; by deliberately asking that energies may be given to you, and the aspect of higher vibrational attunement, comes through regular utilisation of vibration raising exercises. Vibrational state exercise, as described by Dr. Waldo Vieira; or the Astral Dynamics technique as described in the book by the same name. This is the NEW energy system, as described by Robert Bruce.
The intent is simply in raising vibration, what you do is regularly attune to the highest level, by which the sensitivity is activated. The point is, not to make you better, not for ego, not even to balance karma. It is in way and which you simply come to know yourself and you would come to accept love and receive yourself. It is this more than anything else that you came into this life, to work out, to understand.
There will often be times when you must step back and not take things very seriously. This will sometimes be too easy for you. So there will often to times when you must decide. Even then it’ll be more fun now, to do something pleasurable, to pull back perhaps, rather than to find a way to immerse yourself, to go a little deeper, to be a little more scholarly, and to learn a little more about it.
This will ultimately pay tremendous dividends because it shows you about your will. When you focus your will, when you learn of it, when you accept it, as that which can be valuable and helpful, you will as if said you’re a deserving, loving soul. It is this energy that when it is known at the deepest level, can be very helpful, not only in your own development, but for that of many others. Is this sufficient?
Jill: I feel that I suffer from a variety of emotional, psychological, psychospiritual disorders and dyfunctions, and their associated intrusions, that I feel is severely compromising the quality of my life in many ways, not least of all my self-confidence and personal clarity. Can Hilarion please comment, explain and advise on these difficulties?
Hilarion: Yes, it is an interesting matter because it is in line with some of the other areas we have been discussing today. The solution to this is not inquired what you think, however. Yes, of course it is valuable to learn by various self-help means, and to forgive those who surrounded you in childhood.
To utilise the energies in emotions themselves; the most important thought-form associated with emotions of all types; ‘thank god here it goes, as oppose to ‘oh no, not again’.
It may be possible, to locate the now out-of-print by Fox Kaiser. That is Heidi Fox and Fred Kyser’s ‘Making it safe to love’, with details of these principle extensively, and this will be helping in learning, but, as you work out and learn these various issues, what you’ll confront over and over, is the idea of lovability. That love can be present, it can be found, it can be known. And the more this is allowed for you, the more you welcome it, the more you understand it, the more you work with others.
It is as if aspects within you that had been walled off and unwilling to be loved and unwilling to love, is often received, and are healed by this energy. At the same time as all of this occurs, there is a continual activity that you’re already set into motion by guides and helpers and occasionally also intruders.
Raising energy on a regular basis as previously suggested, will eventually completely handle the entire intrusion issue. As long this is done on a regular basis, as long as you own it, not that you do it because you’re trying to protect yourself, or you do it because Hilarion said it; you do it because- anything. If there has to be a ‘because’, does it because it’s fun, do it because it is something you can add to, by making up your own methods of raising vibration and attuning to higher levels of energy. If nothing else does it because of the intruders themselves; in finding their own energy raise, will heal, will move on, will recognise various energies and so on and so forth. This give a little hint as to other things we’re going to say.
But the beginning point on this is a very clear and simple recommendation. It’s a rare recommendation from our point of view, because the karma associated with this is significant. It is about the activity in which energy is regularly donated for the purposes of higher healing, spiritual evolution, or awareness in others. Dr. Vieira had spoken about this, but others had understood different principles of donating energy.
Learning about the principle, working with it and so on might be helpful, but still, the choice, the decision, the ultimate karma must lie with you. In the way and which, various energies can be donated; what will be notice is, that every time a positive, helping, loving energy is made available; those who come to work with it, those who came to depend on it up till that point, will do everything in their power to help you, not only to guide you, to love you, to show you various energies, but also to remind you of other pathways, other ways of coming to deeper love, deeper understanding, deeper self-acceptance.
The practice is known as PENTA, for Personal Energetic Task, and it is not one that can be whole-heartedly recommended because of the karmic implications. It is however, something we would strongly recommend you learn about as much as possible; to consider the implications, to consider what happens in your life.
For instance, if one hour of your life is devoted to such a practice, the other twenty-three will be ones and which, you’ll have this team, the beings who might otherwise simply be watching from a distance, actively involved in assisting, in moving your life along, in bringing you into areas that you’d previously ignored, showing you opportunities, deeper love and assisting with various other aspects.
Eventually we will see this leading to other areas that we’ll speak on and answer to your other questions; but, in recognising this as a long term healing possibility, we’d strongly suggest that you learn about it as much as possible, before committing yourself to such a process, because it does involve, continuous, repeated daily action you’d not come to it likely. But, you’ll find that, as you work with it, gradually, over a period of years, everything in your life begin to sort itself out. Many energies that would otherwise misaligned, begin to show up and make sense.
The other aspects along this that must be taken into account, is the idea of your society. How many aspects about teaching you holding emotions, saving face, doing things in a certain way, and so on and so forth, are often not based on the Cosmoethic, but on much lower level ideals. Many of the conflicts come simply because you know this. As some level, u must ask for yourself, what is the highest Cosmoethic here, as oppose to doing it the way society might want to do it. And working through those sort of questions for you, you’d eventually come to certain answers that make much more sense. Cosmoethically speaking, what do you take with you, is a far more important questions, all in ways and which you can see things as evolutionary in nature, helpful on many levels, what you might call Clarification. These aspects will ultimately be more important to you than anything of a consolation nature, entertainment, amusement or even just feeling better.
This takes time, because you have so much in your society that tells you the value of consolation. But, many times when you root out and come to understand the underlying conflict, you then begin to recognise why the emotional difficulty; why it is hard to become close to others; why self-trust and self-love are so difficult. Does this help?
Jill: Yes, and a continuation of that question.
Hilarion: Yes!
Jill: I feel compelled to further my spiritual growth as far as achievable in this lifetime, but am not sure how to go about it. Furthermore, I would like to dedicate myself to assistantiality, deeper service to others, but I require guidance on this. Can Hilarion and my guides & helpers please instruct and advise me on this, including for the long term.
Hilarion: It is a tricky matter because sometimes the matter of assistance is not well understood. That the law of reflection is always in play; and that as you’re assisting, so also are you assisting yourself.
Still, one can look easily in what you studied in the last intermissive. How you learn about communication with people; how you recognise that some of your own character flaws the areas you struggled with; your own doubts and difficulties might be healed by studying and learning about healing and helping others. For this you have opportunity for brief periods, to study with some of the greatest psychologists, teachers, healers and hypnotists; in some cases, out of body; in certain cases, while they were in their own intermissive; in some cases while they were in bodies yet projecting their consciousness and in other cases where you out-of-body observing them in action.
As a result of these, you have some of the under-lying foundations, in order to understand and work with these. Whether you’ll put it into action or not, will depend on many factors. You must not recognise that each person you’ll work with in a psychological context for instance is the individual, as much as they’re bringing to you, a lesson; their own aspect of your own issue; their way of approaching and working with you. Chosen by guides and helpers; filtered through the aspects of reality, this way of working with individuals as if each one is a personal teacher for you, is one that you were working with on the other side, shortly before you came into this reality.
In some interesting conversations you’d with the individual, who is known in this life as Norton Ericsson. You have opportunity to learn about the unconscious in other people. You recognise that some aspects of these might be useful for you to work with on yourself, but also that your ability to have insight and have understanding into people’s lives, will not only help them, but reflect on your own.
In this way you’ll be encouraged to go further, not only to study aspects of psychology, to learn of it and see how it might be useful to others. Or, to even go deeper as to psychiatry and medicine, or ways and which these aspects of the mind might be understood. But to recognise that because of the spiritual aspect, consciential therapy, the attunement of the guides and helpers, to the subtle dimensions; while you’re in conversations, while you’re interacting with someone else, while you’re learning, and while they’re growing and being healed; is a very important aspect that is often ignored in the world.
In fact, what is unique about your situation is that you could be one of the few in your geographical area with such understanding and awareness. This not only put you in a unique position so far as success, being able to help people long term of course, depends upon engaging their guides and helpers and reducing intrusion in their lives. But it also is an opportunity for you to improve and gain deeper knowledge about yourself; about your own evolution; about your capacity to raise vibration and to learn from your guides and helpers.
This does not mean that any path is going to be that much easier than any other path. Whatever aspect of study, whatever area in the world you look into, whatever way in which you heal yourself in order to provide assistance to others; you will inevitably confront powerful, deep, important obstacles.
This actually has nothing to do with the outside; it always seems like it does, but really it’s about what happens to you inside. The emotions that show up; to move them, to release them, to yell them, to pounce pillows with them, or make sounds with them or let them go; thank god there it goes, evolving then into the way and which the beautiful, loving energy can eventually be felt.
But, whatever resistance will always show up in terms of various aspects you might study. Be it mathematics, psychology, medicine, healing, or language, or attributes that might draw you into any aspect in the world, because it’ll be saying to you at a deep level; that you deserve. Your actions will be seen as helpful, you’ll be useful to others, you’ll be rewarded for this, in other words at every level, you deserve.
In order to know this, to feel it, to activate it, there must be a sense within you that relaxes into it, that allows it, that welcomes it. You cannot that by affirming it; by making it so. It can, however, by relaxing into it, by welcoming it, by breathing it.
This is why the place we began; a place of presence, a meditation that welcomes, and works with that energy of presence is so valuable and important. Still though, as you confront each obstacle, in any area of study, in any way and which you would seek to help others, in any way and which that growth, understanding and sticktuiness that you can activate within your being can come true; the obstacle that you can encounter, the issues and so on.
These will of course, show up at a personal level. At way and which you recognise the foolishness of what is presented in the world to be studied; and the hoops you must jump through and how difficult it is to get a degree in such, or to be acknowledged by others in such. But, one must always set one’s sights on the larger goal, and at the same time welcome the help, energy, assistance, the guidance from the other beings. Here again, as PENTA is utilised, so do they choose in every way possible, to guide, assist, bring more energy and work with you wherever possible.
Of course at the physical level, any such activity is tough on the brain; on anything to do with the nervous system. But we suggest that, by putting your attention on these matters, and always finding ways and which what you have learn can be applied to yourself. You may make spiritual progress and help others along the way. Does this help at all?
Jill: Yes, thank you. Are there specific raw foods that Hilarion can recommend for my physical body and its difficulties? Furthermore, can Hilarion specify dietary requirements to reduce my current weight, as I am classified as overweight by health standards. As such, please advise me, too, on how to attain ideal fitness and physique.
Hilarion: The best way forward with regards to the balancing of weight is in dietary procedures sometimes called ‘Yo-yo dieting’; or in the Vonderplanitz method, ‘Weight gain weight loss’. Here one deliberately building up and breaking down, for the purposes of detoxification.
You would find great pleasure in food; ways and which tastes, so simple; I’m telling you, you’re alive! Bring the sense of love, or helpful, powerful energy where the taste reflects aspects, for instance sweetness- the sweetness of life. The whole point is that you learn and let go. After all, you could say this are in the sense, the ways of a child.
The other aspect that will be continually helpful, partly with cleansing but also with the whole idea of bringing weight into balance, is exercise. Exercise must not be draggery. It must be that which is fun, enjoyable; but it must be done on a daily or even twice daily basis; as incorporated naturally and regularly into your life. Whatever muscle group is not being exercise, you find a way to exercise it. You use your mind to determine these methods. There can be swimming; there can be running, jumping, simple kelestanics, or complex sports. It does not matter. What is important is that it is a part that you are discovering of joy, but also responsibility. In coming into a body, and taking care of it, and using it as your temple.
You have the necessity to learn this, because the soul, in building will, in utilising this energy will gain a tremendous degree of competence and self-lovability in taking care of this body in this fashion.
The other aspect we note here and quite common on our planet right now and probably likely to get worse overtime, is the constant interference; electro-magnetic fields, various other energies that keep you from being fully electrically active. This is a sort of up-down or luntunal energy, and it is best activated in the simplest fashion: Bare feet on the ground; not wood- there isn’t anything harmful about that, but it is an insulator; and not shoe and not socks- not harmful but simply acting as insulators. Half hour per day should be sufficient- bare feet on the grass, on sand, on dirt, on concrete even, or so forth. Freshwater will be an insulator so will not be so helpful.
The point is that the body then is going to act as an antenna, working with energies to transmit and receive; typically this is time with the breath. But the point is that as you then can walk the earth, touch the earth with the feet, or connect to it; some of those electro-magnetic energies that store and eventually cause liver dysfunction will be reduced.
Various aspects associated with your liver continue to be troubling. This is the master organ and of course, the simplest way to correct this, is by eating raw, organically grown, or at least grass-fed and unfrozen liver. This is simply because it contains the right balance of the material that would be powerful at rebalancing the physical body.
Fats of any sort would be helpful here. But most useful and valuable but also difficult to obtain in your area, are fats derived from milk. Both cow and goat are suitable, as butter or cream, these would be helpful, particularly if, taken with a small quantity of honey that has never been heated, pass its critical temperature of ninety-four degrees Fahrenheit.
These are difficult to obtain materials in your area, but it is possible. There are wide varieties of sources that can ship; sometimes to ship far distances can be difficult. Still though, as there is growing demand for any product, various incorporative, people getting together, pulling their resources and so on can indeed make this occur.
In the meantime, a good second source is coconut. It can be filtered sufficiently, so that the interference provided by the fibre is minimised. Fibre, with coconut, causes the coconut to pass through the gut too quickly. Very little of the fats are absorbed. So as the fibre is removed, then the fats are better absorbed and can be very helpful.
Many of the recipes in the book, ‘Recipe for living without disease’, previously mentioned with regards to ‘Yo-yo diet’, can be adapted to utilise this important helpful fact. But, fats must also be directed with consciousness; they can be use for healing, most any part of the body; external or internal, and it takes one’s deliberate attention on this to have the most profound effect.
We also know the tenancy in obesity to draw in substances to help balance the blood and various liquids particularly lymph by acid-alkaline mean. The answer to this as its part of the ‘Weight gain weight loss’ program, is the regular utilisation of vegetable juices. This is entirely possible and what you can do easily, though you can at times, adapt as necessary. That the vegetables are organically grown is not as important as that the vegetables are those which do not have pesticides. These are concentration in the juice and can be quite harmful; so you must as much as possible avoid this.
Many juices can be helpful in your own development. Many of those from various vegetables not easily obtained when this book was written. For instance the juices of ‘Bak-choy’ can be very helpful in various cleansing regimes. But, the point is not to make the juice too sweet; not to have that sense of great deal of sugar as you would drink it, and to have it at least forty-five minutes away from any other foods so that it has a chance to be absorbed, helpful and ultimately balancing of acid-alkaline. Is this sufficient?
Jill: Okay, thank you. Can Hilarion please recommend possible directions for helpful careers that may best serve my existential program, karma and relationships? I have problems of deciding what I want to do with my current life, and uncertain of which course to study in my education institute. Please advise me on which course of study suits in and which allows me to deepen my spiritual growth and knowledge and also assisantiality.
Hilarion: In a sense, no course of study will be satisfying; certainly none will be easy. It is not that the lesson of this is that you are somehow be like others; some who are driven to this or find whatever they study easy, or something that is fascinating that they must keep out. Rather, it is that you’re given the opportunity to own it, to make it your own, to choose it, to learn it, to grow with it.
You might think that there is attachment. But actually it can be a wonderful thing. Because having learn enough of it, perhaps overrated course of twenty or thirty years, putting into practice what you have learn; but at the same time expanding your lifespan with appropriate diet, various means of health and understanding; you then come to what is termed ‘existential monotorium (43:07) - Right by where you started in the sense, looking again; coming to a new course of study and learning an entirely different aspect; a whole new start in life and a whole new direction.
All of these is entirely possible, in fact for you to do in this life three times; as if living three lifetime in one lifetime. This could be seen as a tremendous advantage because of the wisdom that is integrated, you have full memory, full understanding, full continuity, over those different lifetimes, which you will not have in a more typical reincarnation process.
Of course, as we had hinted before, ways and which you eventually come to incorporate rather traditional means of psychology, working in the world with helping people with various mental issues; understanding their own consciousness and ultimately resolving problems for themselves; blends beautifully with the spiritual aspect of consciential therapy.
Ultimately though, as in any profession or in any way and which energies are utilised in the world, there are deficits, there are areas which you cannot put that into action that help more than one person at a time. Ways, in which then you will then accumulate this information, write it, share it with others, and teach, and so on.
As this might be helpful, if what you learn is actually useful, valuable and practical; something can put into action; then of course, it can lead you to another profession; any area which you have a greater degree of exploration and understanding through the teaching aspect, or some other ones that come naturally in this course of study.
Still though, you must see that whatever area you pick, it is not as if karmically, you have a direction or pre-determined. In fact, the karma is just the opposite. That in whatever direction you work, there will inevitably be deficits, difficulties, areas of studies that are not easy, areas you must put great attention on in order to have all that you need in order for it to manifest as actual job in the world. But that is the real job; the ways and which what is the thing that you choose or whatever reasons you choose it; as different as any of these different capacities might to you. You choose it and own it; you make it your own. You work with the idea that you’re going to plummet steps; bring forth all you can from it; help on every level you possibly can, and apply this in every way possible to yourself along the way.
Along such of course, the higher aspect of ethics, the previously mentioned will inevitably limit what you can do in the world. For instance, to practise more aliphatic medicine in the world, will inevitably bring you into great conflicts with regards to what is happening with medicine on your planet. To practise law in your planet, will inevitably draw you into Man’s law vs. God’s law, and the powerful, difficult cosmoethical issues associated with this.
Practicing in areas of engineering or mathematics or technology or even computer science, will keep you away from your interaction with the public. The ways and which the deeper learning by putting course of study, course of action and learning about relationships, reflection and other universal law principles that always work with people; to prevent this, to reduce it and so on; this will clearly retard your own spiritual development, and make it more difficult for you to put what you have learn to action in the world.
You can see this then, with any profession, but the whole idea of deliberately working out issues that can help you out personally, with regards to psychology, and others certainly seems to make sense. You can though, the cosmoethical aspects, the aspect of true deep help of the soul. This issue does not then show up until you have your credentials, until you are accepted in the world, until you can activate consciential therapy and apply this principle of the bringing of Clarification over aspects of mere consolation. Helping people to feel better is usually going to be insufficient.
In the meantime, areas that you can study and put into action immediately without any degree, without any working with others that requires a great deal of study might be of an interest to you. For instance, studying and working with aspects of hypnosis; learning more about the functioning of the mind; and various ways of increasing your own projectability; capacity to bring greater clarity in your life as a result.
Should you find yourself projected, it is very important that you speak as clearly as possible, ‘take me to my extraphysical hometown’; so that you may look again at all of the process, the difficulties, the karma, and the many solutions to these that you have presented to yourself in coming into this life. Is this sufficient?
Jill: Yes. Is there anything else that my guides, helpers or Hilarion, would like to say to me at this point in time?
Hilarion: So much, many ways in which, as much as is shown, as is given to you as opportunity, as interacting with others, as possibilities. It is as if you accept it to a certain point and then a wall comes down. The wall as we would perceive it has a lot to do with self-love- a way in which you do not allow yourself to be truly, deeply loved. When you do not allow that energy it, there’s no easy solution to this from the point of view of those who wish to love you; to share energy with you and love you and as your friends, as people you know in the world, or as your guides, helpers or beings who oversee.
In all ways, the choice must ultimately be up to you. If there can be however within you, a fear; something that would say- ‘if I’m loved that much, there is a danger’ and look at that, what might that danger be, what it will be saying about you.
We recognised many souls’ answers to this question: the issue of responsibility; being given the idea that you can manifest this love; it could be hurtful, it could hurt others, draw down their energy, harm them. You could make a mistake with it; various ways in which they might trust you; the trust will be misplaced etc., these are the old patterns that overrides from the past. They are necessary now if it is simply a matter of knowing and feeling that love; knowing that you’re loved; sensing it deep inside as the reality.
When you confront the wall in yourself that prevents this, find a way to make a sound with it; to move the body. If in finding that wall there is paralysis; slowing down of movement, it’d be very difficult for anyone to assist, including yourself- your own insight, your own awareness; all the rest, will find this coming up against a great stopping point. Instead, move. Be it tapping; opening and closing the eyes; turning the head side to side; bouncing the feet; making a sound- anything as if to be in movement rather than paralysis will be very important.
Of course, as you are able to work with these energies, it does not simply seen then that this analogy to a wall is accurate. It is just a good beginning point, because in fact, what you come up against is the energy of fear; is the energy in which the love is denied for whatever reason. Sometime, that energy can be release simply by making a sound; by letting the fear out.
Often times when you’re confronted with other emotions, it is valuable to move those emotions through. But then to ask, ‘what is the danger? What is underneath? If there was fear present, what might it be?’ If this might be looked at regularly, a truth will emerge. F.E.A.R. - false evidence appearing as real; a nice way to think about fear when it shows up; so that, you may look deeper at what is the truth; and in this case, the truth, resounding amongst your guides, helpers, those who love and care for you, is that you are lovable; that at your core; at the nature of your being; you deserve love; it is your very nature; it is that energy that surrounds you; it is that energy that you can breath and know. Is this sufficient?
Jill: Oh, thank you. Okay the last question is asked on behalf of Alvin, Winston and Wei Ren. We've recently come across a possible source of commercially available raw coconut fats. The brand name is Artisana (www.premierorganics.org), and the product in question is labelled as "Raw Organic Coconut Butter". Can Hilarion please confirm that the fats in this product are sufficiently raw and healthy?
Hilarion: Yes, the fats are sufficiently raw and healthy. The product is not, and we do not recommend it. What this has to do with, is the necessity, within any material, to make the fats properly available. Extracting the fats is the trick, moving them away from the fibre. Fibre will cause, in the body, a lack of absorption, the materials moving through pretty quickly. Fibre is absolutely necessary on a cooked diet. That is why it is recommended so much, and seen as so healthy; because the toxic (i.e. cooked) materials are then less absorbed; because the fibre pushes the food through quickly.
If however, one is to take in raw, healthy, useful fats, the fibre must then be eliminated or at least reduced. The technique for this, with coconut, is to run slices of raw coconut, through a juicer, with the vegetables screen in place, in the usual way one might make vegetable juice. If the coconut is warmed sufficiently, around 95 degrees Fahrenheit (i.e. 35 degrees Celsius) is adequate, then the fat will separate and come through the screen, and the fibre will then be released out the mouth of the juicer, and it can be discarded, composted, or in other ways, not taken into the body. While the fat, in liquid form, as coconut cream, is so valuable.
Now it is possible that this particular product, as described, could be passed through the juicer. But we see no real need for this (product), as raw coconut (fresh from your local supermarket) is much safer, and easier to use, in this situation. This does not produce, coconut butter, when it is separated in this fashion, technically speaking. It is a fat, without much fibre in it, at all. And a good name for it is coconut cream. However if left at cold temperature, it will harden and be just like butter. So that term is a misnomer, when applied to this product. This product will be closer to a nut butter, in which the whole nut is then macerated, so the fibre still remains, as in any other food, eaten whole, etc.
This is not going to be all that harmful, but it is certainly not going to be very helpful either, and the difficulty with such a product, is that one must always be on the lookout, for shortcuts that companies might take in the future, should a product become quite popular. This is why the utilization of unprocessed foods, where you process them to, for instance extract the fat, you do it yourself, is the usual recommended practice. Does this answer the question?
Jill: Yes, thank you. That’s the end of the questions.
Hilarion: Then we return to the idea of the emerald light; asking you to welcome it, as the cylinder of light, about ten metres in diameter. As you breath the cylinder; seeing it gently expanding as it reaches Mother Earth. She responds in her own loving way; with a gentle ohm. And as the cylinder reaches one hundred metres, two hundred metres, several kilometres in diameter; now you see and feel, her light. Good bye. Ohm……………
Credits: Well, I pretty much typed this whole chunk of almost an hour reading. But the last question was translated by Mr. Heng. And it is also with the aid of Mr. Wong that made this reading possible. It is too, from their combined efforts, to assist me on formulating the questions. Thank you. Thanks Hilarion, guides and helpers Jon, Jill (or perhaps even Jennifer? kekeke!) and anyone who participated in this reading, both physical and extraphysical beings.